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What Are You Overlooking In Your Search For Management Training?

Written by Jay Tankersley | Mar 19, 2015 11:32:00 AM

What are you looking for in your management training programs? Course content is important, and so is program cost. Maybe you’re seeking a program that simply fills the yearly training requirement, or one that’s entertaining enough to keep employees engaged.

While these things are significant, there are some fundamental factors that you may be overlooking when it comes to training program selection – ones that cut into your overall program success.

Leadership Buy-In

If leaders don’t believe in it, employees won’t either. Often, company leadership simply signs off on a management training program instead of having a heavy hand in choosing it. The commitment to a training program and work performance improvements needs to start at the highest levels. So, what does this look like for senior leadership? Perhaps it means that this group selects management courses with the human resources department or even participates in the program with the rest of the management team.

Company Goals

One aspect of your corporate culture that should be considered when selecting a management training program is your company goals. Whether that means your key initiatives or your five-year plan, take your company’s ambitions into account and align your management training program accordingly. If one of your organizational goals is to operate at the highest level of efficiency, invest in profitability training. Maybe unparalleled customer service is one of your core values, in which case you’d benefit from offering new customer service training courses.


Training programs should be more than just a bandage you use to patch problems that arise. Your company needs a consistent commitment to training, offering courses regularly. Don’t limit management training courses to newly promoted or hired managers. Also, organizations should not make exceptions or give people special treatment based on their role or title. If there is a fundamental training program that is critical to your organization and culture, everyone needs to be in on it.


Today’s training requires more than dated videos and workbooks. When selecting a management training program, the content is important, but so is the delivery method. Don’t forget to evaluate what form of delivery is best for your team. Would it be easiest to have a trainer come into the office and facilitate management training? What about training via mobile devices that employees can access on their own time? Or perhaps a blended program with both digital and in-person components? With so many delivery options on the market now, using them to your advantage benefits the entire team.


One of the most crucial factors that companies overlook when it comes to their training programs is what happens after the courses have ended. Are you looking for a management training program with measurable results? To get the highest return on your investment in training, stay committed even when class is over. Track improved employee habits and behavior, and be sure to report those to the team in an effort to boost morale.

Want to know what else to look for in a management training program? Schedule your free Vital Learning Health Check to identify your organization’s needs.