Sales Assist

Boost Your Sales Productivity

Strengthen Your Efforts With Vital Sales Assist

As a career development professional, you have a passion for helping employees grow professionally and seeing organizations become stronger as a result. But, while you love your job, you don’t necessarily love the process of bringing in new clients, especially when it consumes your time.

Vital Learning understands your urgency. As a Vital Learning Affiliate, you reap the benefits of the Sales Assist program to increase your sales effectiveness. 

The program consists of the following:

  • Lead Generation: Inbound marketing tactics generate and deliver qualified sales leads directly to you. As leads come in for your predefined territory, you are notified immediately.
  • Lead Nurturing: Fresh, engaging educational content is there to share with prospects at various points in the sales cycle and in various forms (leverage weekly blog posts on social media, share whitepapers and provide quizzes and other unique selling tools, such as an ROI worksheet and behavior-change assessments).

Vital Learning Sales Assist is just one of the many ways Vital helps Affiliates succeed. For even more support, benefits and qualified sales leads, become a Vital Affiliate.

Talk To Vital About Becoming An Affiliate

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