Tom Place

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8 Tips to Give your Managers to Decrease Employee Turnover

Why you should care about reducing employee turnover


You’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase “people don’t leave their job, they leave their manager.” Companies around the world are learning how true this is, and are making concerted efforts to decrease employee turnover by improving their managers. In Gallup’s study, State of the American Manager, 50% of workers surveyed have left a job to “get away from their manager at some point in their career," and "at least 75% of the reasons for voluntary turnover can be influenced by managers."

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8 Simple Ways to Establish Strong Organizational Culture (Infographic)

Establishing strong workplace culture is crucial for business leaders who want to recruit the best talent, retain their strongest employees, and see high levels of engagement from team members. Workplace culture improvement is a process that shouldn't be rushed, so use this list as a long-term guide.

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Managing your Multigenerational Workforce: 5 Ways to Leverage this Competitive Advantage


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4 Criteria for Choosing Training Modalities

How to Create the Optimal Learning Approach

The demands of the modern workplace, the evolving needs of learners, and the latest in neuroscience research all suggest it's best to deliver learning with multiple modalities. A "modality" is a form of learning, such as online learning, instructor-led training, mobile reinforcement, coaching, etc.  Many of the top learning solutions today are moving from a singular learning approach to a diverse and flexible solution that incorporates a variety of methods.


But how do you choose the training modalities that are best for your team? And how do you combine and structure the various methods for the optimal results?


Read the full Vital Learning guest blog article on for more information on the criteria for choosing training modalities. 

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Learning and Development in 2018: Four Industry Trends to Keep on Top Of

Learning and Development is a rapidly changing industry...

The L&D industry has evolved a great deal in the last few years. Workplace training has become less project based, and more integrated into workers’ day-to-day. As a result of this higher demand for workplace training comes a higher saturation of content, making those who can select and implement the best programs essential to their organization. How we define ‘quality’ training in the learning and development industry will be top of mind in 2018, and sifting through the noise will be increasingly important. Understanding the future of L&D, knowing what to do about changing tides, and implementing change accordingly are all things that can be done with ease, as long as the right steps are taken.

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The 4 Most Important Employee Retention Strategies That Actually Work

Retaining employees is one of the most crucial factors in running a successful business. Not only is employee turnover expensive, it can stifle growth, and decrease morale and togetherness in the workplace. Fortunately, there are a few key strategies that can help any organization keep people around, and see continued success.

 Employee Retention Whitepaper

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The Cost of Mediocre Managers (Infographic)

Here’s an alarming statistic: Every mediocre manager (ones who don’t use good fundamental management skills) loses your organization an average of $33 per day. We all know that having strong managers is important. But by tying proper management techniques to a direct cost, the criticality of these skills become much more tangible.

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3 Keys to Solving Your Employee Turnover Issue

One of the biggest factors to company success and survival is the company’s ability to retain key employees. Without team-members who stick around for the long haul, many organizations struggle to stay afloat because of associated costs of turnover, as well as sparse opportunities to promote people internally. How can you reduce employee turnover? Below are three strategies for HR professionals and business leaders to improve employee turnover and retain key employees:

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Leadership vs. Management: Why It Matters in the Training Industry

When companies are looking to improve, many focus on training employees to become better leaders. What is often ignored, however, is also training employees to become better managers, which is just as critical to the success of an organization. Although some management and leadership skills are closely related, there are many distinct differences between the two. Let’s explore the distinction between leadership and management, why both are important, and how many development initiatives fall short by failing to address both of these skill sets.

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5 Signs Your Managers Need Leadership Training

A good manager manages. A great manager leads. Bridging the gap between a good manager and a great manager begins with identifying what needs to change.

Leadership training is essential to any organization who aims to give their managers the tools they need to deal with difficult, and sometimes uncomfortable workplace situations. Since the quality of managers account for up to 70% in variance of employee engagement, it is crucial to make sure yours are of the highest quality. If managers at your organization exhibit any of the following traits, you should consider developing their skills so they are better equipped to execute. Below are 5 common issues and signs that your managers need leadership training.

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