Vital Insight Into Management Training Success

Expert Tips For Building A Strong Leadership Development Strategy

4 Secrets To Managing A Diverse Workforce More Effectively

Workplace diversity is a rising trend in our country. According to the Center for American Progress, women account for almost half of today’s workforce, and people of color make up nearly a third of American workers.

Gender, age, race, background and many other types of diversities make for a rich company culture. These differences also allow for fresh perspectives and new ideas that benefit your organization as a whole.

But, they also present a number of challenges for your management team. Don’t allow these difficulties to impede your company from taking advantage of workplace diversity. Consider these four secrets to managing a diverse workforce more effectively.

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5 Customer Service Training Tactics To Satisfy Tough Customers

We’ve all experienced the difficult customer. (Maybe we’ve even been one!) They argue. They complain. They may even yell.

Since your customer service team members are likely to encounter difficult customers, knowing how to deal with them is vital to your company’s success. Explore five customer service training solutions to help your team members satisfy unhappy customers.

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4 Fun Fixes For A Dull Management Training Program

When workplace performance isn’t improving like it should, you know you have a management training problem to address – and soon. If you’re not moving forward, you’re falling behind.

Overcoming ineffective leadership is a challenge, especially when training program participants are snoozing during their sessions. If you want leaders to step up their game with greater productivity, better management skills and a contribution to higher employee morale, you need professional development training that engages.

So, how do you enable your team to get the most out of a training program?

Start by making the training more fun. To provide an enjoyable experience with tangible results, make sure your employee training program comprises these techniques. 

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Why You Need More Than One Employee Training Delivery Option

It’s a frustrating experience to choose a workplace training program and not see the improvement in employee productivity that you were expecting. Many programs promise to cover important subjects, but are they engaging enough to hold your team’s attention?

Online learning is on the rise with new and exciting resources for optimizing employee training programs. With the insurgence of smartphone usage, mobile learning is also gaining popularity. But, as many teachers will tell you, there’s often no replacement for classroom learning.

So, how do you decide which option is best for your professional development training program, ensuring that employees are engaged and have convenient access to learning materials? The good news: You don’t have to choose just one.

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3 Techniques To Innovate Your Employee Training Program

Workplace training equips businesses to build a powerhouse of employees with exceptional talents and skill sets. But, not every training program gives participants the tools they need.

You’ve got to stay at the forefront of innovation to ensure that your employee training program teaches skills that are both relevant and effective. Here are techniques you should use to promote a truly leading-edge training program. 

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Management Training Part 2: Preparing Your Team For Change

When you’re facing a transition within your company, you want to know that your managers are capable of leading and managing the change

Before you roll out any change initiative, take the following steps to ensure that your managers are adequately prepared and have the tools they need to be successful.

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Management Training Part 1: Assessing Management Readiness

Are your managers ready for the next step? What about your future managers? Are they prepared to move up?

Take a step back from your daily work and look at the big picture. When your leadership people retire or move on, you need reliable, effective managers to fill those gaps. Succession planning saves you time, money and headaches on moving team members into top management roles.

To get your employees in a good position to take over, the first step is to conduct a management readiness assessment. The assessment should evaluate your team’s management skills and identify any gaps that need to be filled by management training courses.

Before you can decide what management training tools you need to invest in, you have to know what areas within your company require the most work.

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4 Surefire Ways To Achieve Change Management Success

Change in the workplace isn’t easy. It’s difficult on employees, and it often impacts the overall productivity of your company. In fact, 60 to 70 percent of change management initiatives fail

So, you might be thinking: Why even bother with change at all? But, you don’t have to feel this way.

Some of the reasons why change management has a low success rate include:

  • Lack of communication prior to the transition
  • Not enough preparation before moving forward 

Find out how to avoid these pitfalls in your approach to change management.

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3 Succession Planning Mistakes You’re Probably Making

If one of your top leaders left your organization tomorrow, what would happen?

Perhaps you’d begin the arduous task of hiring an outside replacement. But, this process is long and you’re never absolutely sure that a candidate would be the right fit.

There is a better alternative: Hire your next leader from within your company. There are numerous benefits to promoting a current employee:

  • They already have a working knowledge of company culture and processes.
  • Hiring from within saves costs on training and time on onboarding.
  • Outside hires typically require higher salaries.

Succession planning prepares future leaders and saves your company time and money when a transition arises. Unfortunately, there are three mistakes that companies usually make in this area, and they’re easy to avoid. 

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5 Problems With Your Professional Development Program (And How To Fix Them)

Have you invested in a professional development program but aren’t seeing much success? There are some typical mistakes that many companies make without even realizing it. Explore five of the most common ones and how to rectify them.

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